Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Book sample (unedited)

I had really hoped to lunge Suki tonight but the sky was threatening rain, so I elected not to. Needless to say the sun came out when I got home! Chance of boomers until 9 though....

Since I have not yet attached a piece of lycra to the foam on the mesh sheet, Suki's bandage came off during one of her rolls, no doubt. It's just too rough. However, when Suki does get wet, this sheet doesn't hold water, so it works better when there is a chance of rain. Because let's face it, horses do not always take cover when it rains! But the graft looks fine and this weekend I will try bandage free again. I think that the foam will protect it sufficiently. Once we head back into blanket season and she is wearing clothing all the time I think that Suki can go without bandage completely. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

While I was using the exfoliating mitt on the graft, Suki once again rocked back and forth and leaned into me. That will be the other bonus of going bandage-less...I will be able to thoroughly moisturize her entire back!! I am not able to moisturize where the bandage will touch because of course it will not stick!! And we have enough issues with adhesion.

I was rewarded this evening with a view of the blue heron that hangs out in Suki's field. What a beautiful sight! If I my camera had been handy I would have taken a picture.

Getting ready to mount: March 2006.

Book sample:

I drove past the remains of the barn to the driveway near the indoor arena. Unsuccessfully I tried to will myself not to look at the charred ruins as I drove past the barn entrance. I cast my eyes toward the site of the barn where Suki had once lived, and began to shake uncontrollably. "Michael was right", I thought. "It is too soon." The fire had taken place just three days earlier, and I was not ready to face it. Having just returned from visiting Suki, my mind raced with fear and anxiety. Those who know me, understand that these emotions are new to me.

Physically, Suki had already begun to improve, making her doctors cautiously optimistic. They were impressed by her progress and attitude, but continued to warn me about potential complications and setbacks. My emotional wounds, however, were still wide open, and admittedly, I was a bit of a mess! Just being in such close proximity to where my beloved girl endured so much pain and fear was overwhelming. My heart literally ached for that which I had been unable to protect her from. Yes, Suki was alive, but we had a long road ahead of us, and facing the barn ruins meant that I also must accept that Suki may not survive. But I never even accepted that possibility, never accepting death as an option. Was I in shock? Probably. Protective mechanisms were in place.

I pulled into the driveway and parked near the indoor, wondering if I could even get out of my car. Bobbi emerged from the doorway and I opened my door, beginning to sob. When my feet touched the ground and I tried to stand my knees buckled, unable to hold up my body. Someone grabbed me and held me while I cried. To this day, I have no idea who that person was.

Even as I paste these thoughts into my blog I can feel the raw emotion from those early days. Suki's courage carried me. How is it possible that a horse can teach you so much about fear, courage and survival? Clearly we are soul mates.....

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