Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just When you Thought it was Safe to go Back in the Water

Since the barn fire, I am often struck by how sensitive I have become. Not about everything. Sirens freak me out less than they used to, but I must confess that if I hear them in the middle of the night, I hold my breath and pray for that phone call not to come. I believe that the fire has made me even more fiercely protective of my son, but I do my best not to smother him, and my husband helps to keep that in check.

But every now and then something ssets me back as I am hit with a situation that brings the memory too close to home.....

Today on my way to Suki's barn I was overwhelmed by the smell of smoke, like timber burning. My car windows were open, and the odor was so strong that it made me cough. That sensation immediately brought to mind some of what Suki must have experienced as her stall filled with smoke. Fear and panic must have been so overwhelming for the horses in the barn. I was able to keep driving, while the horses were trapped...very scary. Turns out it was just someone burning some branches.....

Arriving at the barn a few minutes later I was able to relax a bit. As I looked across the pasture I saw the blue heron standing near the stream. Struck by its beauty I took in the sight, marveling at its beauty. My visual pleasure was cut short, however by the sound of Suki calling to me from the barn. She heard my car, and clearly it was taking me WAY TOO LONG to go into the barn to greet her and hand over some treats!

The sun was out, but temperatures and humidity low and the arena covered with shade. I figured a 10 minute lunge was in order. Nothing fancy, but I put Suki in a bridle and polos, and off we went. The dump trunk is now parked in a different spot, so of course, that was cause for alarm! Piaffe, followed by passage and we were able to negotiate past the truck!

No evidence of stiffness in Suki's legs, for which I was grateful. The doxy is finished, and Suki was a star about taking them....surprisingly!! I did notice that her back was a little tight for the first few trot circles, but she is 12, and is not in regular work. Within minutes Suki's back was swinging, and we worked through some simple transitions. I am in awe of her beauty!

I am thinking of starting yoga. My ballet exercises are wonderful, but maybe I could use a bit of relaxation? Isaiah starts first grade next week, so there will be homework, extracurricular activities, school volunteering, my career, riding, writing.... alot to balance, but all fun! Thank goodness for my wonderful husband!

Baby Nikki moving by Suki this weekend. I am really looking forward to focusing on my dressage.

Another photo from our visit with Julie!


  1. I am in awe if your story. I am so happy that Suki is well & life is good for you both. I so enjoy seeing the photos & reading your posts. Blessings from Michigan!!

    1. Thank you Julie! We greatly appreciate the support and extra blessings!


  2. Really, Mom! How dare you take a few seconds to appreciate the beauty around you when Herself is waiting? ;)

    1. EXACTLY!! That girl knows what she wants!

