Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So today's blog post is not going to be back is about today, December 14,2011.

I was away at a conference and had not seen Suki since LAST Wednesday PM. This morning I went to the barn to change her into a lighter weight blanket because of the anticipated warmer temperatures. I know that she recognized my car sound, because I could hear her nickering to me as I opened the barn door, and before I even had a chance to call her name. This bond. This amazing bond that we have just warms my heart. It was early.... and I had returned home after midnight, but I actually ran to the barn door to see my beautiful girl. There is something so genuine and instinctive about a horse's responses.

This evening I went back to the barn to perform the daily exfoliation/moisturizing regimen, which I refer to as the "spa treatment". Suki was especially receptive tonight. We had our forehead to forehead snuggle, and I massaged her face and ears. This is not a daily event. Suki does not always allow complete access to her face and head, so I always enjoy these moments.

Last week I burned my finger on the oven, pretty badly. While I was away this burn was healing, contracting and giving me neuropathic pain and itchiness. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by what Suki must have experienced over 70% of her body! Such a brave, brave and stoic girl! I know that she was receiving medication to help with all of this, but still....WOW! Having met some human burn survivors and reading about others, it is overwhelming to imagine what there recovery has been like. They have been inspired by my horse, and I am inspired by them.

The bottom photo is from August 9, 2009. One month after the fire. The top photo is from today, December 14, 2011.It is truly miraculous!!
You've come a long way baby!


  1. I always tell Suki that she is my brave girl! She is tough, indeed, Steve! Thank you for reading the blog!
