Friday, May 4, 2012

Pleasant ride and a new kitten

Thursday was a humid, somewhat dreary day that started with a bit of rain. By the time I escaped the office the threat of rain still hung in the air, but I looked forward to my ride on Nikki. The barn was dark and quiet when I arrived with just the occasional shuffling of a dozing horse. I called to Nikki and she nickered in response, which was, of course, followed by a few bangs on her stall door. Wow, is that girl turning into a diva! Shavings in her mane and tail gave away that my baby had been sleeping. Like Suki, Nikki enjoys a flat out snooze in her stall. Nikki paused for an arabesque stretch on her wya out of the stall, then snuffled my pockets in search of treats. I know it's not advisable to feed horses treats from your hands and allow them to dig around in your pockets but......

Nikki seemed a bit sleepy when I led her to the arena, but perked up once I was in the saddle. She was soft and light in my hands and nicely responsive off the leg. My time was short, so the ride was light and I focused on adjusting within the stride. Overall a lovely ride. I felt completely rejuvenated as I drove home, dreary, gray sky forgotten. Passing the napping kitties on the porch swing I smiled at them in acknowledgement. I startled two dozing horses as I passed them causing a slight burst of energy to erupt. It didn't last long, as they resumed their nap on the other side of the field. The quilting store parking lot was full when I passed and I imagined a room full of women quilting and sharing stories.....

Suki was in the furthest point of her field, putting her as far from the agte as possible. As usual I called to her as I passed and she raised her head in response. I only had time for a quick check because I had Isaiah in the car and there was a baseball game that night. My place when slower than usual, though because Michael was coming home with a new kitten and we wanted it secured in the guest room before Isaiah went in the house. One look at that kitten and there would be no way to convince Isaiah to go to the game!

Suki and Banker remained in their grazing positions with no plan to move as I first called then marched across the field. Stopping every few feet to give Suki the opportunity to come to me was unsuccessful! Suki raised her head and nickeredas I approached. She seemed comfortable under her fly sheet and enjoyed some head scratches and treats. I offered a carrot to Banker and headed back to the gate. Halfway across the field and I heard the thundering hooves behind me. Suki tossed her head as she casually cantered to the gate, with Banker at her side. She couldn't have done that a few minutes earlier??

After the game we brought Isaiah up to see the surprise...his eyes told the story as he sat down next to the newest addition to our family...

Isaiah named him Bentley (I am 95% certain it is a boy!). Cecil (our 2 1/2 year old cat) and Ripley the Weimaraner will be introduced gradually....

Suki was a bit itchy tonight, but I suspect the warm day had something to do with that. The horses were in during the day because of the bugs so Suki was happy to come out of her stall for her spa treatment. It was one of those days when I held the exfoliating mitt up to her face and she scatched where she needed to. Because it was quite warm I decided to leave the fly sheet off with only the shell for coverage. That is how she spent most of last summer, so I think she will be most comfortable wearing just that, at least for the next day or so,when the weather changes yet again! Tomorrow I will change the padding on the graft and moisturize it well. After a busy week it was nice to spend the time relaxing and grooming Suki. We both enjoyed our time together.

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